Dr Ian Rouse has a diverse career working in, and contributing to, knowledge in both the Higher Education and the Health Industry. He has a passion for Education, Global Health and empowerment of all people, together with expertise in leadership and management, information management and cultural diversity. This has led him to make contributions to many organisations in Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region.
He is currently a private consultant and the Director of the Health and Education Sectors in the global Peopleistic group. Ian holds adjunct Professor roles at both Monash University and Federation University in Melbourne.
He was the former Dean of the Fiji School of Medicine, Executive Dean of Victoria University’s Division of Health, Engineering and Science, Head of Public Health of Curtin University’s Division of Health Sciences, and the General Manager of the WA Health Department’s Health Information Centre. Ian has a broad knowledge of epidemiology and public health, medical information planning and management, digital health and health research and the use of information for monitoring and evaluation.
He has a BSc(Hons) in Biochemistry and a PhD in Epidemiology and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School.
He has also held other senior management roles including Acting Vice Chancellor of the Fiji National University, Chief Information Officer at Curtin University, Chairman of the multi-awarded Sports-Challenge organisation and Chairman of the Fiji White Ribbon Safe Motherhood organisation. Dr Rouse has a wide range of leadership, management and interpersonal skills developed in senior management roles in information, analysis and research organisations, tertiary institutions, NGO’s and government departments.
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ian-rouse-52bb94116/